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Youth exchange 07.09.2020.-12.09.2020.


Europe for you

EU4U: Project
EU4U: Welcome

Youth Exchange

Three organizations from different countries cooperate in the exchange of young people from 17 to 30 years of age

who want to stimulate positive change in the local community through proactive action and creative expression.


From 7 th of September until 12 th of September 2020

The project was intended for young people who want to encourage positive change in the local community through proactive action and who have expressed high motivation and interest in the topic.


/hrv/ Proteklih desetljeca kao društvo izloženi smo do sada nevidenim umnožavanjem i intenziviranjem kanala komunikacije i procesa koji su uvjetovani ubrzanim razvojem tehnologije i medija bez ogranicenja prostorom, time ujedno susretima s pripadnicima drugih kultura koji nam donedavno nisu bili pristupacni. Uz navedeno, demokratizacija je u društvo na nov nacin uvela one koji do sada nisu sudjelovali u pojedinim društvenim praksama. Mlade se želi motivirati i potaknuti na aktivno sudjelovanje u kreiranju i osmišljavanju aktivnosti, dajuci im na raspolaganje sredstva i mjesto za isto, a što se cesto pokazalo kao nedostatak i problem u lokalnim zajednicama. Kroz obradjivanje raznih tema van formalnog obrazovanja, mladi s više volje komuniciraju o stvarima i njima bliskom problemima nego u umjetno stvorenim uvjetima. 

/eng/ Over the past decades, as a society, we have been exposed to the unprecedented multiplication and intensification of communication channels and processes that are conditioned by accelerated development of technology and media without geographical boundaries, thereby also meaning meeting members of other cultures that weren’t recently accessible. In addition, democracy has introduced into society those who have not yet participated in particular social practices. We want to motivate and encourage youth to participate in creating and designing activities, providing them with means and place to do so, which has often come as disadvantage and a problem in the local communities. Through non-formal education, they will communicate more eagerly about their problems rather than to do so under artificially created conditions.  Exchange activities are based on nonformal and informal education and participative methods in order to develop new set of skills and abilities. Activities encourage mutual learning and informal networking in their leisure time doing so by socializing and sharing opinions.


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/hrv/ Setom aktivnosti „SESSION LAB“ potice se promišljanje o specificnim ciljevima projekta; aktivno gradjanstvo, jacanje kritickog mišljenja i inicijative kod mladih, jacanje i promicanje razlicitosti i zajednickih vrijednosti, vecu medjukulturnu osviještenost, poštivanje ljudskih prava, stvaranje kohezivnog i inkluzivnog društva prepuštajuci sudionicima aktivnu ulogu u projektu, stjecanje znanja o mogucnostima suradnje na razini Europe, motivacija i poticanje stvaranja buducih projekata unutar programa Erasmus+.  Istraživacki i kreativni pristup predstavljaju sposobnost koja tradicionalno mijenja u stvaralacko i otvoreno.

/eng/ The set of activities "SESSION LAB" encourages reflection on the specific objectives of the project; active citizenship, strengthening of critical thinking and youth initiatives, strengthening and promoting diversity and shared values, greater intercultural awareness, respect for human rights, creating a cohesive and inclusive society, leaving the participants an active role in the project, acquiring knowledge about the possibilities of co-operation at European level, motivating and encouraging creation of future projects within the Erasmus + program.  Research and creative approach make the ability to transform the traditional into creative and open.

Through the “Session Lab” activities, the participants reflected on the specific objectives of the project. The participants used LARP, an outdoor media workshop involving role playing, to deliver performances about subjects dealing with physical disadvantages and cultural diversities. We started with History timeline which gave us the opportunity to look back in time and find events that connect our countries in the field of science and discoveries, wars and tensions, economy etc., and proceeded to 2050 and my place and try to imagine what would Europe and world look like in 30 years and where do we see ourselves in that world, Earth collage (messages on the subject of interpersonal tolerance, human rights, solidarity), Map out your heart (desires, interests, fears) and more.

EU4U: Text

Non formal and interactive approach enabled participants to learn about more serious and “heavier” topics while having fun at the same time. They participated and communicated more openly and eagerly about issues at hand and their personal problems and felt motivated and confident in sharing opinions.


The activities within the project addressed main topics – media literacy and European citizenship and the participants had the freedom to moderate workshops which led to inspiring and diverse results each day of the exchange.

We witnessed a lot of compassion, courage and understanding between youngsters that met each other for the first time on the exchange, and it reflected on their work during the workshops. What should their role as active citizens be in promoting diversity and creating cohesive and inclusive society, how to critically think and share opinions and ideas? These are just some of the questions we tried to answer.

Using different methods such as interviews, play, treasure hunt, filming and (one that we used several times and had the biggest impact) role playing. Whether to express our ideas with a funny note or to put ourselves in other people shoes and try to imagine and understand their position concerning social, financial, physical and other disadvantages.

The project gave young people the opportunity to discover new cultures, habits and lifestyles, develop their tolerance, understanding, a sense of belonging to European society through intercultural dialogue. Through daily exchange of experiences and interesting facts from their own cultures participants remove negative stereotypes and work and their social, cultural and personal development.

EU4U: Text


by national groups

EU4U: Text

Spain "Media literacy" - access, analyze, evaluate & create (workshop and roundtable on media literacy aims to give participants a critical reflection on its importance and impact in relation to democracy)

Romania "Youth 4 Europe" – the participants learned more about Romania and European citizenship through treasure hunt game

Croatia "Migration in Europe" – the participants were given roles of border guards and migrants with different backgrounds, and an assignment to attempt to cross over to Europe.

Our statements

Erasmus+ in one word




// Razmjenu mladih “EU4U – Europe for you” provodi Udruga za razvoj i jacanje kvalitete života Omne Trium Perfectum u suradnji s udrugama Backslash (Španjolska) i A.T.I.C. (Rumunjska)  u sklopu programa Erasmus+ uz potporu Agencije za mobilnost i programe EU //

Ukupna vrijednost projekta iznosi 11.250,00 EUR
Vrijeme provedbe: 15.07.2020.-14.11.2020.
Kontakt osoba: Lana Krnic

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